Belinda is a young woman who came with her boyfriend to John in Accra, Ghana, some
months ago asking for help. She was pregnant with their child and the couple
couldn't afford even the most basic care for the safe delivery of the baby.
We arranged for her to see a doctor, who suggested that she go to stay with her
mother in a village about eighty miles from Accra until the child was born. So that
was arranged and a few weeks later Belinda gave birth to a little baby boy.
The newborn infant had some serious health problems that required medical treatment
and circumstances made it impossible to bring the baby back to Accra. His health
simply would not allow it. This caused some strains between the mother and the
father, who had remained behind in Accra and simply did not have the money to
support the mother and baby at such a distance. The village was far enough to make
it hard for him to even visit. As a result he was unable to provide the kind of
presence and support that his little family needed. As a result basically we have
been providing funds for the baby's medical and other needs since there was simply
no one else to do it.
Over this past weekend Belinda managed to return to Accra, if only briefly, and
brought the baby with her do that John could see him in person. John took some
photos of mother and child together. The baby looks much better than he did even a
few months ago. Hopefully his health is stabilizing and he will be okay.
The naming ceremony, in which a young infant is officially presented to the
community and given their name, had been done in the village where the mother was
staying. He was given the name Adom and was welcomed into the world of mankind.
So now he is Adom, a person in his own right and not just Belinda's baby.
Belinda and little Adom are now back in their village, at least temporarily, and
plans are being made to support Belinda in her desires to earn a living in her own
right. But for now this is where things stand. The little boy has had his naming
ceremony and he is improving in health every day.
So that is a good thing.