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Vicky's latest news Update July 13, 2024

Vicky is a little girl in Ghana who was born in January of 2023 after her mother

went through a very difficult pregnancy. Her parents are doing the best they can

for their daughter but they are very poor. They live in a very bad neighborhood

that is dangerous for a little child like Vicky but of course when you don't have

much money you take what you can get.

Recently Haddi, Vicky's father, sent John a message that Vicky was ill. John spoke

by phone with their doctor, who told them that Vicky had bronchitis and needed


John went to visit the small family to see what he could find out. While there he

checked out the place where they were living. Conditions there are grim, which

probably contributes to the child's coughing and other breathing issues. The

mother herself was having chest problems that day, probably from much the same

cause. Their situation is just not good.

John gave them what money he could but the little girl still needs medical

treatment. This is a continuing problem we are trying to solve. The child needs

medical care and ultimately they need a better place to live. So this is our goal

for them at this time.

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